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First-Friday Branch Practice – 5th April at Aldermaston

The April all-comers practice will be at Aldermaston Friday April 5th, 7:30pm. 

The 8 bells here have had some repairs and renovation work completed in the last few months so I’m looking forward to seeing how they go now.

There are a number of methods called ‘Aldermaston’.  The simplest of these is Single Aldermaston Bob Major.  This is just the same as Plain Bob major, but instead of dodging in 7-8 you make places.  2 blows in 7ths followed by 3 in 8ths instead of a 7-8 dodge up, and 3 blows in 8ths followed by 2 in 7ths for 7-8 down.  The start for the 7th is to make one more blow in 7ths then go in; for the 8th make two more blows in 8ths then go in.  This swaps 7 and 8 over right at the start, so the ringing will sound a bit different from normal.

Other methods will be available, of course! 

Parking for the church is in the grounds of Aldermaston Court.

Approaching through Aldermaston village, take the left fork at the the top of the Street into Church Rd. The church is 1/3 mile on the right.

The gatehouse to Aldermaston Court is on the right a few yards before the church. Enter the park and turn left at the mini roundabout. Church parking is the last bay on the left.

If you approach from the Mortimer direction via Red Lane, turn left into the park just after the 30mph sign.