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Secrets of a Steeple Keeper course – 6th July – St Mary’s Mortimer

To All

From Tony Crabtree, Towers and Belfries Committee Chairman,

“Secrets of a Steeple Keeper” will take place at St Mary’s, Mortimer on Saturday 6th July 1000 – 1300.

Covering – Safe Working in Towers, Practical, Hands On, Basic Maintenance, Plain Bearings – how to look after them, Are your Clappers Swinging True?, Wooden Headstocks, Frames, and their Nuts, How to address Odd-Struck Problems and Keeping your Pulleys in order.

The course is open to everyone, not just Tower Captains or Steeple Keepers.

There is also a poster attached for the “General Belfry Course” at Church Enstone on 27th April 1000 – 1500. There are still places available on this course and it would make an ideal introduction for people who wish to attend the 6th July course too. It is open to everyone.

Thank you.

Tony Crabtree – T&B Committee Chairman