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Branch 6-bell striking competition – Speen – Friday June 14th

A reminder that the Newbury Branch striking competition evening is on Friday June 14th at Speen, 7:30pm.  Ben Waller has agreed to judge.  Rules are attached, but basically 120 rows of a method, or 5 minutes call changes.

Lynne and Kevin have kindly offered to provide refreshments (tea, coffee etc) but if a member of your tower has an urge to bake a cake (or whatever) and bring it along to share that would be very much appreciated. 

I do hope to see lots of you there!  Come along for the evening even if you have not entered the competition – there will be open ringing as well, or join a scratch band on the evening.

Please let Mark know if you are intending to enter a band.

Best wishes, Martin

