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CCCBR Open Meeting

From Secretary CCCBR,

Central Council of Church Bell Ringers

Ringing 2030 Open Meeting

Sunday 1st September 2024 at 8pm, by Zoom

Come and have your say on the future of the Central Council finances. The meeting will feature short presentations on Ringing 2030 and the financial proposals. It will then be opened to all participants to give their views on these proposals.

The meeting is open all, not just CCCBR representatives.

To reserve your place (and join the conversation) send an email to:

Please include Open Meeting in the title of your email, and also please include your name and location



Ernie de Legh-Runciman
Central Council of Church Bell Ringers
Registered in England and Wales as a Charity, No. 270036
07624 329556
Kione Droghad, Ellan Vannin – Onchan, Isle of Man