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Branch Practice

November’s Branch practice will be held at Speen on Friday 4th November, 7.30 to 9.00 pm. All Saints Doubles, Plain and Little Bob Minor, Beedon Surprise Minor, and any other requests.

Branch Advanced Practice

Newbury Tower will be hosting the Branch Advanced Practice (formerly the Surprise Practice) on Friday 18th November from 7:30pm to 9pm.Attending keyholder – Martin.

Advanced Practice

There will be an Advanced Practice (formerly the Surprise Practice) on the third Friday of each month from 7:30pm to 9pm. The practice will include methods such as Stedman, Little Bob, Kent, Oxford and Double Norwich, as well as the previous Standard eight surprise and special methods. We will try to include whatever people would… Read More »Advanced Practice

Wedding Ringing

2pm wedding.Band – AndrewC-M, Ian, Martin, Eleanor, David, JuliaH, Sue, ChrisP. The clock bells will have been left up at the end of the Advanced Practice on the evening of Friday 18th November.

Branch Practice

The December Branch practice is at Great Shefford. Methods include Barsham Treble Place Doubles, London Surprise Minor and Methusalah.

Advanced Practice

December’s advanced practice will be at Highclere on 16th December. All the usual methods will be on offer (Plain, Little, Treble Bob, Stedman, Standard 8) and a request has been received for Lessness S Major as a special method.

Branch Practice

The first Branch practice of 2023 will be at Lambourn.Taking up the suggestions in the Ringing World, we will try whole-pull and stand, whole-pull plain hunt (on 7 and possibly 8). We will also try Duffield, if possible. And, of course, our favourite Triples methods. The bells were re-hung last year so come and help… Read More »Branch Practice

Advanced Practice [CANCELLED]

The Advanced Branch Practice, planned to be held at Lambourn on Friday 20th January, is cancelled.The next Advanced Practice is scheduled for Hungerford on Friday 17th February.  Further details nearer the time.

Branch Practice

The next first-Friday practice is at Yattendon, with suggested methods of Plain Bob Doubles, Plain Bob Minor, Grandsire Doubles and Grandsire Minor, plus plain hunt, rounds and call changes, and anything else the assembled ringers want to ring.

Advanced Practice

February’s advanced practice will be held on Friday 17th, 7.30 to 9.00 pm at Hungerford.The Standard Eight will be on the menu, plus the usual favourites; Double Norwich, Stedman etc. Apart from that, nothing new has been requested, so December’s feature method will remain – Lessness Surprise Major.

Branch AGM

The Newbury Branch AGM 2023 will be held at Bucklebury, on Saturday afternoon, 4th March.Timetable: 2pm-3pm Open Ringing 3pm-3:30pm Service 3:30pm-4pm Tea 4pm Meeting Tea and the AGM will be in the Victory Rooms, just around the corner from the Church. There is ample car parking in the Hall Car park.