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Advanced Practice [CANCELLED]

The Advanced Branch Practice, planned to be held at Lambourn on Friday 20th January, is cancelled.The next Advanced Practice is scheduled for Hungerford on Friday 17th February.  Further details nearer the time.

Branch Practice

The next first-Friday practice is at Yattendon, with suggested methods of Plain Bob Doubles, Plain Bob Minor, Grandsire Doubles and Grandsire Minor, plus plain hunt, rounds and call changes, and anything else the assembled ringers want to ring.

Advanced Practice

February’s advanced practice will be held on Friday 17th, 7.30 to 9.00 pm at Hungerford.The Standard Eight will be on the menu, plus the usual favourites; Double Norwich, Stedman etc. Apart from that, nothing new has been requested, so December’s feature method will remain – Lessness Surprise Major.

Branch AGM

The Newbury Branch AGM 2023 will be held at Bucklebury, on Saturday afternoon, 4th March.Timetable: 2pm-3pm Open Ringing 3pm-3:30pm Service 3:30pm-4pm Tea 4pm Meeting Tea and the AGM will be in the Victory Rooms, just around the corner from the Church. There is ample car parking in the Hall Car park.

[CANCELLED] Branch Practice

The Branch Practice for April falls on Good Friday, so unfortunately that practice won’t be going ahead.

Advanced Practice

The advanced practice in April will be held on Friday 21st, 7.30 to 9.00 pm at Kintbury.Methods on offer will be the Standard Eight, plus Kent, Oxford, Double Norwich, Plain & Little Bob Major, Stedman and other Triples as requested. The special feature method will be King Charles III Delight Major.

Branch Practice

The May first Friday coincides, of course, with the Coronation weekend, and the intention is to hold a Branch practice on May 5th. East Garston has been booked, so you will have the treat of ringing on the newly rehung bells.We will ring rounds, call changes, plain hunt and any doubles or minor methods we… Read More »Branch Practice

Advanced Practice

May’s advanced practice will be held on Friday 19th from 7.30 to 9.00 pm at Andover.

Branch Practice

The First-Friday Branch Practice in June will be at Beedon on Friday 2nd, 7:30pm. Special method is Beedon Surprise Minor. Rounds and call changes, plain hunt, regular doubles and minor methods and some ‘specials’ will also be on the menu.

Advanced Practice

June’s advanced practice will be held on Friday 16th from 7.30 to 9.00 pm at Hungerford.

Advanced Practice


July’s advanced practice, jointly run for the Newbury Branch and Andover District, will take place at Newbury on Friday 21st July.We will be ringing (depending on demand) Grandsire Caters, Stedman Caters, Little Bob, Kent, Yorkshire Royal.