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Newbury Tower - About Us

The bell ringing groupNewbury Peal Plaque
We are a friendly group covering a wide range of ages and backgrounds, from beginners to ringers with over 30 years’ experience. We ring anything from rounds and call changes, to surprise major, with a good helping of Grandsire and Stedman (mostly triples but sometimes caters), and we don’t often ring surprise royal.
Sunday service ringing runs from 9:30am to 10am. We also ring for weddings, quarter peals and special services including those on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve.
Practice sessions are held every Monday evening from 7:30pm to 9pm (excluding Bank Holidays), and individual visiting ringers are welcome to come along.
An information pack for visitors can be downloaded here. Visiting groups of ringers can arrange for access to the tower by contacting the Tower Secretary.

Joining the group
We are always happy to welcome new members to the group, whether they are starting from scratch or experienced ringers who have moved to the area. Almost anyone from ten years old and upwards should be able to come and learn to ring; it is good exercise, both physical and mental, and costs little or nothing – no membership fees and no equipment to buy. The only requirement for fitness is being able to climb the 66 steps to our ringing chamber.

History of the towerNewbury Tower Staircase
St. Nicolas Church was started in 1520 on the site of a previous Norman church and the tower was completed in 1532. The tower has ten bells, ranging from 250kg to 1 ton. The eight heaviest bells were cast in 1803 by James Wells of Aldbourne, Wiltshire. They were rehung in 1933 by the Whitechapel Foundry, when two lighter bells were added. Full details of the bells can be found here.
Contact us
If you would like to find out more, or come and try church bell ringing, contact the Tower Secretary.