This new membership system will go live on 1st January and from then on, will be the main method of getting information out to you.
If you haven’t already done so, please logon to the system and check that your membership record is correct. Instructions on how to do this are below and attached:
1. Click this link:
2. Enter your email address
3. Click the “Sign in with email” button.
4. If a trial record has already been created for you, you will see this message
4a. Email Sent: A link to Sign In has been sent to (your email address) and should arrive soon. This link is valid for 2 hours. You may need to refresh your inbox or check spam folders if it has not arrived within a few minutes.
5. You will receive an email from: Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers
6. Click the link in the email and you will be taken to your record to edit and save.
7. You will also see an option to create a password to accompany your email address so that you do not have to go through the sign in process every time you wish to see your record.
8. Please select the Renew button at the top of the page. Review and amend your details, ensuring that you tick any and all appropriate boxes, including communication preferences, then tick to accept the terms and click Next. Click on Checkout and then Free Checkout to complete your record.
1. If you cannot enter the system, it may be that we do not have an email record for you.
2. If you cannot edit your data, it may be an admin only field.
3. Any issues or feedback, please contact
We will endeavour to respond as soon as possible to any feedback.
Thank you very much for your cooperation in getting the Guild membership records as accurate as possible.
The Guild Membermojo project team.
ODG Hon General Secretary
Karen Pile
Mobile: 07786 473055